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Theological Training

Equipped for Every Good Work

The main course will be a two year training that takes place during a 16-week Fall and Spring semester format. It will include a 3 hour class one night of the week. It is designed with the full-time worker in mind. The course will cover local church ministry, theology, church history, and missions. The course can also be over a longer period of time taken in 3-6 weeks sessions. Additional shorter courses will be throughout the year on weekends and special occasions

Year 1, Semester 1

Sessions include: Foundations, Christian Disciplines, OT Overview, Spiritual Gifts, Church History 1, Family Ministry.


Starts Fall 2015

Year 1, Semester 2

Sessions include: NT Overview, Eschatology, Church History 2, World Religions, Systematic Theology 1


Spring 2016

Year 2, Semester 1

Sessions include: Systematic Theology 2, Evangelism, Baptist History, Finances, Apologetics.


Fall 2016

Year 2, Semester 2

Sessions include: Global Mission, Ecclesiology, Disciplehsip, Ethics, OT Overview, Local Church Ministry.


Spring 2014 - Ongoing Now

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