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Have you ever wondered how your church can have meaningful partnerships? Have you ever been frustrated by the lack of accountability you have with ministries you support? Do you wish you could really trust those you send money to?

We provide a partnership opportunity that is founded on accountability, trust, and sustained relationships.


Is your church active in church planting? Do you want to be? Don’t know where to start?

We are a great opportunity for your church to become familiar with church planting. 


Do Sunday School classes or small groups in your church wonder how they can be active on mission? Does your youth group struggle with finding a location for mission trips, retreats and training opportunities? Does your leadership or men’s group need a location for a getaway or training?

Our area is full of options for outdoor activities and secluded lodging, plus many ministry opportunities!



Here are some ways we can partner together:

Prayer Partnership
In our faith-family prayer time we regularly pray for other churches. We’d love to pray for you by intentionally and specifically interceding your your behalf. You can do the same for us. We’d be glad to regularly send you specific prayer items for your congregation or small groups.


Financial Partnership
We are in an economically depressed area in a poor state. The reality is we need financial resources for the first several years that allow us to plant Church at Three Rivers on a solid financial foundation.


Training Partnership
We have multiple training avenues in which we invest in the next generation for discipleship and equipping. We would love to host a student for a semester or a summer during which time we can invest our lives in theirs.


Team Partnership

We’d love for you to send us teams throughout the year. We can host vision teams, ministry teams, construction teams, youth groups and more. When we have ministry teams we pray for our community, have cookouts in the park, hold outdoor worship services and more.




Paul speaks about partnership in Philippians chapter 1. He states that for the purpose of maintaining an ongoing “partnership in the gospel,” Christians partner (v. 5) for the sake of the defense (v. 7, 16), confirmation (v. 7), advance (v. 12) and worthiness (v. 27) of the gospel. We are seeking partners for the sake of the gospel in Hinton and Summers County, West Virginia. Our goal is to covenant with partner churches who share our commitment to the gospel and church planting.

For our partnerships, we have a few goals and action ideas for how to accomplish those goals.


Goal #1: We want partnerships based on real relationships.

We are not interested in sending you a newsletter once a month and you sending us a check in return. We want to have authentic connections with people in your church.

Actions: We will send you regular video updates that you can show in your worship gatherings. We’d like to regularly video chat with your leadership or missions committee. We’d like to visit you in person at least once a year to engage with your people and share our progress. 


Goal #2: We want partnerships that are mutually beneficial.

Paul said that Christ’s Church is made up of “many members, yet one body.” We might be one of the “less presentable parts” but we believe we have a great deal that we can offer. We are small and lack resources but what we do have we’d love to share.

Actions: We’d like to share video testimonies so you can encourage your people to reach out in your community. We’d like to share our location and lives as a place where you can send teams who are interested in ministry. We would like to connect with small groups or Sunday School classes in your church that can adopt a specific project, write notes or send gift baskets. In addition, we’d like for you to send us people that we can train and equip to serve your church as leaders or be sent out from your church as church planters and missionaries. 


Goal #3: We want partnerships that are sustainable and reproducible.

The last thing we want is for you to send a team one time and never hear from us again. Instead we want partnership that last over the course of several years. We want to be accountable to you. We want you to see our progress. We want to mature and develop to the place where we can partner with others just like you have partnered with us.

Actions: We’d like for you to send us teams throughout the year. We can host vision teams, ministry teams, construction teams, youth groups and more. Over the course of our partnership we’d like for you be become invested in us and our community. In addition, we’d love it if your teams could join us for our worship gatherings! We will send you detailed financial statements to demonstrate our financial integrity and accountability to you.




Our staff will work closely with you to design to best schedule, lodging, meals and ministry for your specific team. Upon request, we will send you our Partner Guide in which are some general details that will help you get an idea about what sending a team might look like. For more information or to start the partnership process contact:



Breanne Rogers

Church Partner Coordinator 


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